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Saturday, August 10, 2019

Hyundai Just Threw Shade at Nissan in Their Latest Web Advert

Whoa, talk about being a straight talker! Hyundai Philippines is using one of the unique traits of the Santa Fe mid-sized SUV to diss the competition, particularly the Nissan Terra. (You can check the screen cap for yourself immediately below, or view the web ad in full below).

In their latest web advert, it shows a hula girl ornament wearing some Kiss-inspired make-up rocking back and forth. Then, this copy comes out: “You can rock all you want, but your ride won’t.” After that, the hula girl transforms into one that’s gently swaying. Eagle-eyed readers will be quick to point out that the dashboard in the “rocking” part is clearly the Nissan Terra, while in the “swaying” part, it’s the Hyundai Santa Fe.

The ad also comes with this blurb, “There’s a time for rockin’, and there’s a time for refinement. With the Hyundai Santa Fe’s rattle-free monocoque body that stays smooth and suave for your everyday terrain, the only thing that’ll rock is your taste in music.”

We certainly have no beef against pick-up based passenger vehicles (PPVs) such as the Terra, but given most Filipino buyers go for it mainly for its rugged construction and durability, you do have to give kudos to Hyundai for transforming one of the Santa Fe’s perceived weaknesses into an advantage.

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