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Auto NewsTuesday, February 11, 2020

The Nissan Leaf Will Now Lull You to Sleep

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Some parents will probably know that car rides have this magical effect of lulling babies and toddlers to sleep. Apparently, there’s a reason behind this and it’s down to the naturally soothing sound frequencies of internal combustion engines. But what happens if everyone shifts to electric? What then?

Engineers at Nissan seem to understand the situation. Here’s something Paul Speed-Andrews, Noise and Vibration development manager at Nissan said: “The quiet soundscape of an EV might not be as effective as internal combustion engine (ICE) cars [when it comes to lulling babies to sleep]. Combustion engines transmit a sound frequency, a combination of white, pink, and brown noise varied in tone–creating an orchestral soundscape that is especially soothing and comforting to young children.”

And so, Nissan collaborated with Sound Designer and Sleep Coach Tom Middleton to create a track specifically made to help kids sleep. Made up of five three-minute tracks, the soundscape mimics the peaceful audio frequencies of a humming combustion engine, but without the tailpipe emissions. Moreover, they’ve optimized the track to emit a wider range of “hypnotic” frequencies, too.

You can actually download the MP3 file for yourself here. Drop us a line below if you think it worked for you.

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