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Monday, June 3, 2019

Grab Philippines to Deactivate 20 Percent of Driver-Partner Force on June 10

If you rely heavily on Grab to get to and from work, get ready for longer waits and higher surge prices starting Monday, June 10. The ride hailing giant says they’ll be deactivating 20 percent of their active driver partners.

That day, about 8,000 TNVS driver partners will have their accounts deactivated because these drivers have yet to submit any proof that they were granted provisional authority by the Land Transport Franchising and Regulatory Board or LTFRB. This number represents about a fifth or 20 percent of Grab’s 45,000 active driver partner force.

Grab Philippines though assures that the driver shortage will be temporary as they look to replace these erring driver partners by opening 10,000 new application slots on the same day.

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